Aloha Beach Paddle Game
Be ready at any time with this Aloha paddle game. It comes with 2 paddles and a ball inside a net bag. Anywhere is good place to have an impromptu game. Keep the young at heart busy during your next luau.
View more games here.
Polynesian Cultural Center Puzzle
A couple of time each year, as a family we put together a puzzle. We picked up this Polynesian Cultural Center Puzzle at Costco over the holidays. We planned to do it during the holidays, but never had time. We recently got it out and worked on it for a few days. It’s a fun puzzle as many individual pieces are of people. However, it’s a bit challenging. Our 4-year-old couldn’t help out, but our other kids could, including the 8-year-old.
The full puzzle.
I love the Tongans on the boat!
You can also find this puzzle over at Amazon as well as a Waikiki puzzle, or these Hawaii puzzles.
Have you found any other Hawaiian themed puzzles or games? I would love to hear from you, please comment below.