Palm Theme Bathroom
I get a lot of traffic from Pinterest. Some of my most pinned items are the tropical bathrooms I create. Today I created you a palm theme bathroom. I started with this large palm print shower curtain as I love design that makes a bold statement. Once you have the main component, it’s easy to add complimentary accessories.
Large Palm Print Shower Curtain. Palm Bathroom Accessories. Palm Bath Towel. Wastebasket
Have a tropical day!
Fruity Pineapple Bathroom Design
Today I’m featuring a fun, fruity pineapple bathroom design. This is perfect for a kid’s or guest bathroom. Click directly on any item below and a new window will open with info on where to buy each item.
Isn’t it fun? View more Hawaiian style bathroom items I love.
Hanging Loose Bath Collection
How do you like this Hanging Loose Bath Collection? It’s filled with adorable shaped bath accessories that compliment the fun bath curtain. I love it!
Hanging Loose Shower Curtain. Flip Flops Shower Hooks
Hanging Loose Bath Accessories. Hanging Loose Towel Set. Flip Flops Bath Mat
View more Hawaiian bath products.
This post is part of a link party.
Save 10% on Tropical Comforters and Bath Products
From now through July 2nd, Overstock is offering 10% off Bedding and Bath Products. Click here to activate the coupon. Once activated, you can then click on any of my favorite tropical comforters below:
Tommy Bahama Bimini Tropical Comforter Coral Bay There’s plenty more on sale if you don’t like my picks. Enjoy!
Teak Bathroom Sink
Create a one of kind bathroom with a teak bathroom sink. I mean, seriously, isn’t it beautiful? I can’t afford it, but I can appreciate the beauty. I’d most likely put it in a main powder room so that it wouldn’t get exposed to as much wear and tear.
View more tropical bathroom sinks here.
Honu Bathroom Inspiration
The first time we visited Hawaii, we went snorkeling in Maui. My husband was enjoying his snorkeling when all of the sudden a huge honu swam right up to him and from the side and shoved him through the water with a lot of force. This was his first experience with a sea turtle, it was a little bit terrifying! He was in awe, and very alert at this time. A few seconds later another snorkeler grabbed his foot and hubby came up swinging thinking it was a shark. The poor guy that grabbed his foot, narrowly missed getting punched and swam away quickly. He thought hubby was someone else and wanted to show him the turtle. We have laughed about that encounter many times. We have grown to appreciate the honus and all of their beauty. So today’s inspiration is a honu bathroom:
Fiji Bathroom Light. Honu Shower Curtain made of fabric and designed by an Hawaiian artist.
Honu Wood Wall Hanging. Green Towels. Bamboo Bath Accessories.
View more bathroom ideas here: